中文版翻译马 融字季长,扶风茂陵人,将作大匠马严的儿子。马融长相英俊,善于言辞很有才气。起初,京城的挚恂用儒术教授生徒,在南山隐居,不答应朝廷征召聘任,在关西 一带名气很大,马融跟着他游学,学识渊博精通儒学经典。挚恂认为马融有奇才,就把女儿嫁给了他。永初二年,大将军邓骘听说了马融的名声,把他召为舍人,但 是马融内心很不乐意,就没答应,客居在凉州的武都和汉阳境内。恰逢羌虏迅猛扰边,边境混乱不安,粮价飞涨,关内以西之地,路上饿死的人随处可见。马融在陷 入饥饿困苦后,才后悔并且叹息着对朋友说:“古人有这样的话:‘左手拿着天下的地图,右手割断自己的喉管,这是愚蠢的人都不做的事情。’之所以这样的原 因,是生命比天下更宝贵。现在因为一点点世俗的屈辱,而毁灭自己高贵的身体,这大概也不是老子庄子所认可的啊。”于 是就答应了邓骘的邀请。永初四年,任命为校书郎中,到东观做典校秘书。这个时候邓太后主持朝政,邓骘兄弟辅佐她。而当时浅陋的儒生和读书人,都认为可以大 兴文德,武力应该废止,于是停止打猎的礼仪,停息作战布阵的法令,所以狡猾的盗贼放纵横行,乘朝廷当时没有防备。马融于是感慨激愤,认为文武之道,圣贤都 没有放弃,勇、智、仁、信、忠五才,没有一个可以废止。元初二年,上奏《广成颂》来规劝进谏此事。《广成颂》的上奏,违逆(得罪)了邓氏,马融被滞留在东 观,十年都没有调任新职。因为哥哥的孩子死了,他便向朝廷请求回乡。太后听到这个消息很生气,认为马融羞辱轻视了朝廷的任命,想到州郡做官,于是下令监禁 他。太后死后,安帝刘祜亲政,把他召回郎署做侍从郎官,又做了皇帝的侍讲官。后离开京师做了河间王的厩长史。当时皇帝车马东巡泰山,马融上了一篇《东巡 颂》,皇帝认为他的文章写得很不一般,召他进京任命为郎中。马融才高博学,是当时的一个大学者,教授的学生常以千数。擅长演奏琴,喜欢吹笛子,性情放达率 真,不拘泥于儒士的礼节。居室房屋里的器物服饰,多有奢侈讲究的装饰。曾经坐在高堂上,挂着绛纱帐,前面教授学生,后面排列着女乐,学生按照次序传习他的 学说,很少有人登堂入室。曾经想注解《左氏春秋》,等到看到贾逵、郑众的注解,就说:“贾先生精深而不广博,郑先生广博而不精深。又精深又广博的,谁又能 超过我呢?”著《三传异同说》,注《孝经》、《论语》、《诗》等,所著赋、颂、碑、诔……一共二十一篇。当初,马融被邓氏惩罚,不敢再违逆得罪权势人家, 于是替大将军梁冀起草奏书参奏李固,又写了吹捧梁冀的《西第颂》,因此被正直之人羞耻。八十八岁,延熹九年死在家中。留下遗嘱要求简单安葬自己。(范 晔)评价说:马融不应邓骘之请,犹豫徘徊在陇、汉一带,是想要坚守自己的操守吗?接着却羞愧于孤陋寡闻的人保持所谓的名节,爱惜自己高贵之身,最终因为奢 侈享乐放纵心性,纠合亲附朋党成为别人讥笑的对象,原本就知道懂得节制自己欲望的人很少啊。大概做事艰苦,那么顾惜保全自己的想法就少一些;生活优厚,所 以想要安定保全自己的顾虑就多了。登上高处而不害怕的,那是刑徒之人;不坐在屋檐下的,那是家有千金之人。推究其中主要的原因,归于他们所处的环境不同罢 了。(天富平台tff10086.com)(天辰平台tcc10086.com)英文版翻译马融 the character season is long, Fufeng cyclopentadiene mausoleum person. The manner beautiful refined language appearance, has the handsome talent. Initially, is capital sincere 恂 by Confucianist method professor, hides in Mt. Na, should not recruit, a heavy Guanxi, melts from it studies away from home, abundantly passes after the nationality. 恂 wonderfully melts the talent, by female wife it.Forever second day the year, General Deng Zhiwen Rongming, will summon will be the shed person, non- its will be good also, then will not obey an order, guest in Liangzhou Wudu, Hanyang. Meets the Qiang capture anabatic wind to get up, the side harasses, Mi Guyong is expensive. From the pass west of, □faces one another. Melts the hunger to be already sleepy, is the regret but sighs said: "The ancient has the word: ' The left hand chart of according to the world, right hand 刎 his/her throat, the simpleminded husband is not.' The reason why, lives expensively in world. Now by tune vulgar very close shaming, extinguishes does not have counts 躯, danger non- Lao-Zhuang so-called." Therefore toward should 骘 summon.Four years do obeisance for collate books the doctor of Chinese medicine east, visit view standard school secretary. Is when the Deng queen mother comes to court, 骘 brothers auxiliary politics. But the Confucianist world gentleman thought Wende may be popular, Wugong is suitable waste, then the bedroom searches for hunts the ritual, law of the rest war Chen, therefore mean and crafty from horizontal, does not have while this prepares. Melts is the gratitude, thought the civil and military road, the saints and sages do not fall, five only then using, do not have or may abandon. The Yuan second day year, on "Guang Cheng Praises" by reproves by parables or innuendo.Praises plays, disobedient Deng, stagnates Yu Dongguan, ten years do not have to move. Because the brother sub- mourning from engraves turns over to. The queen mother heard the anger, says friendly shames the thin imperial edict to eliminate, wants the Shi state county, then the command imprisons it.The queen mother collapses, the peaceful emperor personally guides the government into a new era, summons back the court attendant bureau, duplicate is speaking. Leaves is between the river Wang Jiuchang the history. When east the emperor patrols Dai Zong, melts "East Patrols Praises", the emperor wonderful its article, summons to do obeisance the doctor of Chinese medicine. And north the township marquis takes a seat, friendly moves gets sick, for county merit Cao.The positive fine two years, the imperial edict lifts sincerely is plain, city gate school 尉 Cen gets up lifts melts, drafts visits the public vehicle, the countermeasure, does obeisance discusses the court attendant. General Liang Shangbiao for is engaged in the court attendant, transfers the Wudu too ancestor. West when the xiqiang rebels against, drafts General Ma Xian with to protect Qiang school 尉 Hu Chouzheng it, but checks for a long time does not enter. Friendly will know it to defeat, submits a memorial to the throne begs from the effect... ... The royal government cannot use.Three moves, Huan Dishi is the south county grand minister superintendent of KULUN. Is first friendly has matter disobedient General Liang Jizhi, Hebei satirizes corruptly has Si Zourong to be muddy in the county, dismisses, 髡change residence error 1778 north. From punctures is not different, results in the amnesty also, duplicate does obeisance discusses the court attendant, again in east view writings, by sickness deprive of office.