I.1、Linda is shy. She always feels_nervous_ when she speaks in front of people. B. nervous 紧张的2、Please_compare_this bike with that one, and then tell me the differences between them. A. compare 比较3、-- When shall we start? -- Let's wait_until_the rain stops. C. until 直到 ... 为止4、It's really kind of you to offer_to lend_me the money. A. to lend 借5. -- Are you going to come? -- _Perhaps_. I'll see how I feel. D. Perhaps 也许II.1. My aprents don't allow me to hang out with friends on weekends. to hang2. Firstly, close your eyes. Secondly, don't talk to each other. Secondly3. We can't tell these differences of the twins. differences4. If you have different ideas, you should communicate with them in time. communicate5. Doctors say too much pressure isn't good for a kid's_development_. development