
360U2923609443 |浏览1223次
收藏|2020/04/22 13:12


2020/04/22 13:37

你好,短文中共有8处错误。指正与修改如下(黑色字体处为错误所在)1. Yesterday my friend and I playing in the park.将 playing 改成 were playing2. Suddenly we find a bird lying on the ground. 将 find 改成 found3. We picked it up and find its wings were hurted. 将 find 改成 found4. It can't fly. 将 can't 改成 couldn't5. So we took it to the animal hospital in a hurry. The doctor told us that there is nothing serious. 将 is 改成 was6. He was gave us some medicine. 将 was 去掉7. Then I took it home and look after it carefjlly. 将 look 改成 looked8. As soon as it will get better I will let it fly to the dky again. 将 will get 改成 gets


