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收藏|2022/01/12 17:03


2022/01/12 17:15

作者: Anthony Burgess 著出版社: VINTAGE出版时间: 2002-10ISBN: 9780099437062定价: 118.80装帧: 平装页数: 416页正文语种: 英语分类: 外文原版>英文书>童书内容简介:Between the years chronicled Anthony Burgess, initially believing he has only a year to live, begins to write - novels, film scripts, television series, articles. It is the life of a man desperate to earn a living through the written word. He finds at first that writing brings little success, and the obligations it brings, interfere with his writing - especially of fiction. There were vast Hollywood projects destined never to be made, novels the critics snarled at, journalism that scandalised the morally scrupulous. (20020220)作者简介:Anthony Burgess was born in Manchester in 1917. He served in the army from 1940 to 1954 before becoming a colonial education officer. It was while he held this post that doctors told him he would die, and he decided to try to live by writing. He achieved a worldwide reputation as one of the leading novelists of his day, and one of the most versitile. His writings include criticism, scripts and translations, and a Broadway musical, and he composed three symphonies which have been publicly performed in the USA. His books have been published all over the world and include A Clockwork Orange, The Clockwork Testament, Inside Mr Enderby, Enderby's Dark Lady, Earthly Powers, Abba Abba and The End of the World News. Anthony Burgess died in 1993.购买链接http://item.kongfz.com/book/33312183.html


